WHOLE WIDE WORLD. # (By an anonymous writer, whose#handwriting looks suspiciously like$the PVFC editor's) (Oh very amusing.
It is easy to see, that the magnificent Sinclair Spectrum +3$(complete with 3 inch disk drive) is!in a completely superior class to!your average boring computer, for#instance the somewhat limited Amiga
1200. The whole slowness, crap"graphic display, inflexability and$simply abysmal sound quality you get"with an Amiga is just terrible for%stupid Amiga owners, they should have stuck with the past an bought an amazing Speccy +3 ! A Spectrum's"capabilities are endless. They are%just so easy to upgrade, by adding up!to six microdrive units, boosting!the amazing 128k to an astounding#(wait for it...) 224k !!! The Amiga%just cannot compare !! Also the great
graphics that are standard with" spectrum games amaze you further,%with the knowledge that loading games"from disk takes only 20 seconds !!$(The fact that hardly any good games#are available on disk, and you have to buy cassettes, and wait seven#minutes per game for the program to%load is not relavant) On an Amiga, if"you type 'COPY RANDOMIZE' and then$hold down a special five keys on the
keyboard while pressing enter,$nothing happens, but if you do it on
a Speccy +3 (ooh-er !) then the amazing message "HELLO I'M A +3"
comes"up in big, flashy letters !! It is%just amazing !! The way that dust and#coffee all over the keyboard doesnt
affect t he performance of the Spectrum is another advantage. I$doubt the Amiga could handle that ! "(Wheras, my speccy kept on working#every now and again, an improvement
on it' s performance before the spillage) Face it ! Speccy's are BABES !!